More information about the event and the reflections of presenters can be find in the link below.
Social-ecological Systems Sustainability
Alex participated as a panelist in the 2021 SDGs Symposium organised jointly between the University of Tokyo and Springer-Nature. The symposium brought together Japanese academics to discuss interdisciplinary science solutions for the SDGs on food, water, climate and ecosystems. The event was broadcasted online and attracted more than 500 participants from all over the world.
More information about the event and the reflections of presenters can be find in the link below.
Lab members published two edited volumes with Springer is to highlight some of the major pervasive sustainability challenges that Sub-Saharan Africa faces. The volumes collect a number of local case studies throughout Sub-Saharan Africa that adopt transdisciplinary and problem-oriented research approaches using methodologies from the natural and the social sciences. These are put into perspective with chapters that introduce key sustainability challenges such using a regional focus. Through this multi-scale and inter/transdisciplinary approach the two volumes provide an authoritative source that on how to approach the study and solution of major sustainability challenges in African contexts. Alice undertook a household survey in Kirinyaga county of Kenya to identify the adoption dynamics and associated impacts of different irrigation options. With the help of a local 5-person team, she surveyed approximately 440 households in different parts of the county to obtain a representative understanding of these phenomena.
Dalelan conducted a pilot study in Jamaica to observe how different parrotfish management options intersect with ecosystem services. He conducted expert interviews with national experts, and focus group discussions and key informant interviews with direct and indirect users of parrotfish resources. He focused on three site representing different parrotfish management options, namely Montego Bay Beach, Whitehouse and Old Harbour. Vinamra undertook household surveys and biomass surveys in two logging sites in Sarawak, Malaysia. He visited Anap Muput Sustainable Development Unit (ASDU) and collected soil samples and surveyed above and below ground biomass in different land uses, namely virgin forest, logged over primary forest, logged over secondary forest, community forest and plantation forest. Vinamra also visited Kapit Forest Management Unit to collect household surveys and attend the Educational Fund Presentation Ceremony co-organising by Tanjong Manis Holding Snd. Bdh and Kapit FMU CRC. |
AuthorAlexandros Gasparatos Archives
September 2023
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